Come Photograph – The Berkshires
In this 140 page compendium of 332 images, we invite you to explore the native, natural, and cultural backdrop of the Massachusetts Berkshires.
You will experience the work of fifty-eight photographers whose diverse visions, techniques, and abilities will hopefully inspire you to explore the area further and have fun with your own photography. You will find many points of view showing how the area may be experienced and enjoyed. Some are iconic and some are lesser known, out-of-the-way treasures. There are photos taken during the day and at night, in all types of weather and using a variety of equipment; by photographers with a wide range of skill levels. The imagery is presented in both quiet monotone and spectacular color, incorporating a variety of advanced image processing techniques.
For this project, we set no style requirements and asked only that photographers present unique imagery exposing their individual vision(s) of the area. Collectively, the imagery weaves together and tells its own story, one as unique as each photographer represented on these pages.
We hope that you enjoy this compilation and that it leads you to the Berkshires. We trust that this book will be a helpful guide, highlighting the possibilities that await you. It is our desire that this compendium be the beginning of a lasting partnership among photographers, visitors, and residents – as well as merchants and cultural attraction venues, whose goals are all similar; to share in the magic of this phenomenal place called the Berkshires.
Available in hard cover ($144.99) and e-book ($4.99).
Important e-Book Information
Both a KF8 file (.mobi), viewable on Kindle devices and reader apps, and an EPUB3 file (.epub), viewable on Apple are available.
Kindle and reflowable applications are known to reformat text so it is easier to read. They also force a single page display and resize the images making it easier to read but very difficult to associate credit text with their associated photographs. The result is that the book is not presented as it was intended to be viewed and enjoyed.
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Library Availability
- The Stockbridge Library, Museum & Archives – 6 Main Street, Stockbridge, MA 01262 (http://stockbridgelibrary.org/)
- The Lenox Library – 18 Main Street, Lenox, MA 01242 (https://lenoxlib.org/)
Articles Written About the Book
I wanted to let you know of a recently unveiled project that you may be interested in as an amenity for your guests:
A group called the Berkshire Photo Gathering has recently published a book of photos taken in the Berkshires, entitled “Come Photograph The Berkshires”. You may have seen mentions of this on facebook or in the local media recently.
Having a copy of this book would provide your guests with an armchair pictorial guide of the Berkshires that shows all seasons and a widely diverse number of locations, both iconic and out-of-the-way. It can also encourage guests to return, possibly during off-season. It can also encourage them to spread the word about visiting the Berkshires to their friends who are photographers.
Though the cost of the hard cover at $144.99 is considerable, its purchase may be considered a deductible business expense. For more information about “Come Photograph The Berkshires”, visit this link: http://berkshirephotogathering.com/come-photograph/, or watch a quick video.